I enjoyed these courses- lots of learning and plenty of material to revert back to. I’ve included a little postcard created with Canva with important lessons learned, how I will implement through modelling. In closing, I felt WordPress to be helpful with reading other individuals posts because it helped to learn how other instructors create… Continue reading Closing Thoughts-Post #6
Self-Coding- Post #5
Oh my, plenty of clicking and navigating through a few different windows to complete this activity! Sometimes technology can be quite the challenge. I did appreciate completing this activity as I found it helpful to break down and assess if I had engaged in each of the phases. I believe I had complete each phase… Continue reading Self-Coding- Post #5
Conversation: Self-paced, continuous entry courses: Post #4
As I am a new OLFM member, I have had the privilege to connect with a Senior OLFM member who has a plethora of experience and strategies pre and post pandemic. During our conversation, this member stressed the importance of being encouraging, kind and provide generous amount of feedback for assignments. The reminder that students… Continue reading Conversation: Self-paced, continuous entry courses: Post #4
Intentionally Designed Learning Outcomes- Post #3
Intended Learning Outcomes: -> Critically reflect on the (dis)Ability Movement -> Analyze and examine your own assumptions about (dis)Ability Read the article: McCarthy, H. (2003). The disability rights movement: Experiences and perspectives of selected leaders in the disability community. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46(4), 209-224. 2. Watch Poole, J. (2014, June 4). Sanism. TEDxRyersonU. [Video]. YouTube.… Continue reading Intentionally Designed Learning Outcomes- Post #3
Current Practice-Teaching Presence- Post #2
In reading about teaching presence, Vaughan et al., principles important via the design such as open communication and critical reflection as it provides a foundation for what is to be expected. The practice that I identified where the professor and I posted uplifting quotes demonstrated the characteristics of community and cohesion because during the pandemic… Continue reading Current Practice-Teaching Presence- Post #2
Effective Practice-Post #1
I was a Teaching Assistant within an online course and when the first wave of the pandemic hit, the lockdown was challenging on students. Many students had children at home with online learning, they were working from home and were isolated from family members who normally assist with their daily routines. The professor and I… Continue reading Effective Practice-Post #1
Video Introduction
https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive *My apologies, normally I provide a land acknowledgement but I realized I was quite focused on implementing the content of what I have learnt from the course
Next Steps (updated portfolio)
I intend to use what I learned from this course by: reverting back to my blog posts reviewing my notes taken of the lessons modelling construction of posts replying to each student’s posts utilizing Garrison’s strategies to increase social presence *I have appreciated learning within the course. I do feel that I’ve had some technological… Continue reading Next Steps (updated portfolio)
Teaching Practices (portfolio update)
I feel as though my suggestions for differentiated learning activities and to ‘think outside the box’ aligns with my teaching philosophy that every student has different strengths and we do not all learn alike. So ideas such as implementing art, music of diverse cultural backgrounds into assignments can work towards deconstruct notions of Eurocentric ideologies.… Continue reading Teaching Practices (portfolio update)
I found Garrison’s categories of interactions to indicate Social Presence to be an important concept that impacted my thoughts on social engagement. I felt that Garrison’s notion about the significance of self-disclosure to include expressions of vulnerability resonate with the Human Service field as students will be working and supporting many diverse individuals. Another important… Continue reading Integration