Intentionally Designed Learning Outcomes- Post #3

Intended Learning Outcomes: -> Critically reflect on the (dis)Ability Movement -> Analyze and examine your own assumptions about (dis)Ability Read the article: McCarthy, H. (2003). The disability rights movement: Experiences and perspectives of selected leaders in the disability community. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 46(4), 209-224. 2. Watch Poole, J. (2014, June 4). Sanism. TEDxRyersonU. [Video]. YouTube.… Continue reading Intentionally Designed Learning Outcomes- Post #3

Social Presence: Activity #3.3

I found this study interesting where students provided their opinions and preferences for online instructional strategies. The different methods of PowerPoint, group discussions, audio files, read and respond, read and teach and interactive video lectures were surveyed. The results illustrated that the students preference were to complete independent tasks. As a previous online student,… Continue reading Social Presence: Activity #3.3

Social Presence Activity #3.2

I feel it is important set the expectations for online environments as Vaughan et al, highlight how personalities can shine through the online web! This is where I find it helpful to outline that we are in an academic setting and interacting with professional and respectful language can begin the building blocks of a foundation… Continue reading Social Presence Activity #3.2

Social Presence Activity #3.1-

I think providing space for students to introduce themselves identifying a little background about (where they live, where they are employed, any other family members in the household) them provides a personal touch. Then I like to include an inquiry as to what the student is seeking to learn within the course where they are… Continue reading Social Presence Activity #3.1-

Constructive Alignment Post #3

The intended learning objectives for the course are self- care, self-reflection, professional integrity and ethics in the context of the human services field which are assessed thought rating scales by the agency and faculty instructors. They are assessed through verbs such as reflect, apply and demonstrate. The assignments are constructed for the students to assess… Continue reading Constructive Alignment Post #3